![]() List of abbreviations |
of micros- copic anatomy specialist terms explained in English + German |
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idealised mammal cell with organelles, junctions etc. (sheme) | index of drawn structures: Terminology name (English name; linked to page providing images & information) |
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1 = Nucleus (nucleus)
1a = Euchromatinum (euchromatin) 1b = Heterochromatinum (heterochromatin) 2 = Nucleolus (nucleolus) 3 = Membrana nuclearis (nuclear membrane; consists of inner membrane, perinuclear space + outer membrane with attached ribosoms) 4 = Porus nuclearis (nuclear pore) 5 = Ribosoma (ribosome) aggregated in form of plyribosomes 6 = RER = Reticulum endoplasmicum granulosum (rough endoplasmic reticulum; with attached ribosoms) 7 = SER = Reticulum endoplasmicum nongranulosum (smooth endoplasmic reticulum; lacks ribosoms) 8a = Mitochondrion (Mitochondrion: crista-type; longitudinal & cross-sectioned) 8b = Mitochondrion (Mitochondrion: tubular-type; longitudinal & cross-sectioned) 8c = Mitochondrion (Mitochondrion: saccular-type) 9 = Centriolum (Centriole; longitudinal & cross-sectioned) 10 = Complexus golgiensis - Apparatus golgiensis (Golgi complex; Golgi apparatus) 11 = Vesicula golgiensis (Golgi vesicle) 12 = Vesicula pinocytotica (pinocytotic vesicle) 13 = Lysosoma (lysosome; fuses with 12 to 14) 14 = Heterolysosoma (secondary lysosome = [auto]phagolysosome) 15 = Telolysosoma (lipofuscin body = residual body) 16 = Corpusculum multivesiculare (multivescular body) 17 = Corpusculum lamellare (lamellar body) 18 = Peroxysomum (peroxisome = microbody) 19 = Vesiculae secretoriae (secretory vesicles) 20 = Microtubuli (microtubules) 21 = Microfilamenta; Filamenta actinia (microfilaments; actin filaments) 22 = Filamenta intermedia (intermediate filaments e.g., on desmosomes) 23 = Trama terminalis (terminal web) 24 = alpha-Granula glycogeni (alpha-glycogen granules) 25 = Gutta adipis (Fat droplet) 26 = Synapsis (synapse) 27 = Fasciolus synapticus (synaptic ribbon with attached neurotransmitter vesicles) 28 = Membrana cellularis; Plasmalemma (cell membrane; plasma membrane) covered with glycocalyx 29 = Spatium intercellulare (intercellular space) 30 = Canaliculus bilifer (bile canaliculus) 31 = Zonula occludens (tight junction) 32 = Zonula adhaerens (adhesive belt; belt desmosome) 33 = Fascia adhaerens (fascia adherens; adhesive strip) 34 = Punctum adhaerens (punctum adherens) 35 = Macula adhaerens (macula adherens; spot desmosome) 36 = Hemidesmosoma (hemidesmosome) 37 = Macula communicans; Nexus (gap junction; macula communicans; nexus) 38 = Microvilli (microvilli) covered with Glycocalyx (glycocalyx) 39 = Cilia; Kinocilia (cilia; kinocilia) 40 = Corpuscula basalia; Kinetosomae (basal bodies; kinetosomes) 41 = Radices basales (Rootlet fibres) 41 = Stereocilia; Stereovilli (stereocils; stereovilli; about 3x longer than 38) 42 = Lamina basalis (basal lamina) 43 = Junctio intercellularis digitiformis (digitiform intercellular junction) |
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