List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected!

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
Epithelial cells of the epididymal duct (Ductus epididymidis) cross-sectioned in apical region (rat)
(for unlabelled original image click here, please!)

C = Cytoplasma; cis = cis-Seite des Golgi-Apparates;
Clv = Vesiculum clathrinum (Klathrin-überzogenes Endocytosebläschen);
Cmv = Corpusculum multivesiculare (multivesikuläres Körperchen); D = Interdigitation (Verzahnung);
G = Golgi-Apparat mit cis-Seite und trans-Seite (Abgabeseite); Ga = Gutta adipis (Fetttropfen);
Grg = Glykogenkörnchen; Ly1 = primäres Lysosom; Ly2 = sekundäres Lysosom;
Mi = Mitochondrium (dunkler Crista-Typ); P = Plasmalemm (Zellmembran);
RER = rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum; Sc = Stereocilium mit Aktinfilamentskelett (quer);
t = trans-Seite des Golgi-Apparates; Vs = Vesicula secreta (Sekretvesikel des Golgi-Apparates
= Golgi-Vesikel); Zo = Zonula occludens (Tight junction).

--> other images of the epididymal duct
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop

Page H. Jastrow & Björn Schuster, image & copyright H. Jastrow.