List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
Interdigitations between exocrine cells of a rat pancreas
(for unalbelled original image in high resolution click here, please!)

C = Cytoplasm; D = Digitationen (= Verzahnungen der Zellen); Ec = Euchromatin; G = Golgi-Apparat;
Ga = Gutta adipis (Fettropfen); Hc = Heterochromatin; if = Intermediärfilamente;
L = Lumen des Drüsenazinus; Ma = Maculae adhaerentes (= Desmosomen); Mi = Mitochondrium (Cristatyp);
Mn = Membrana nuclearis (Kernmembran); Mne = Membrana nuclearis externa (äußere Kernmembran);
Mni = Membrana nuclearis interna (innere Kernmembran); Mv = Mikrovilli; N = Nucleus (Zellkern);
P = Plasmalemma (Zellmembran); PR = Polyribosoma (Ansammlung von Ribosomen);
RER = rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum; V = Vesikel, hier ein "clathrin coated vesicle";
Za = Zonulae adhaerentes (Gürteldesmosomen = intermediate junctions);
Zm = Zymogengranula (enthalten Enzyme des Bauchspeichels).

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