List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
Overview cerebellum (Cerebellum):
Pages with explanations are linked to the text below the images if available! (Labelling is in German)
stratum granulosum
overview (rat)
stratum granulosum
detail 1 (rat)
stratum granulosum
detail 2 (rat)
Purkinje cell cytoplasm
overview (rat)
detail thereof 1 detail 2: multivesicu-
lar body
detail 3: Golgi
detail 4: formation
of a Nissl body
stratum moleculare
1 (rat)
Stratum moleculare
2 (rat)
synapses in a
glomerulum (rat)
stratum granulosum
granular cells (rat)
neuropeel multivesi-
cular body (rat)
The cerebellum (Terminologia histologica: Cerebellum) when seen from the exterior to the interior has a cortex a bout 1 mm in thickness consisting of an outer layer which is poor in nerve cells but has abundant synapses on Purkinje cell dendrites. It is called Stratum moleculare. It is followed by the ganglion cell layer (Stratum ganglionare) and the granular layer (Stratum granulosum). The cerebellar medulla is located below the latter and consists of afferent (incomeing) and efferent (outgoing) nerve fibres. The cerebellar nuclei (containing nerve cell perikarya) are embedded in this medulla in some locations. The Stratum moleculare shows the following nerve cells: large basket cells and small stellate cells intermingled in a very dense meshwork of non-myelinated nerve fibres and dendrites of  Purkinje cells, which have their somata in the ganglion cell layer. The cytoplasm of the soma and thick dendrites of the very large Purkinje cells show Nissl bodies in which the cisterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum are unusually closely attached to each other. One image shows the formation of such a Nissl body which also contains free ribosomes. The neurons of the granular layer are a. granule cells which are poor in cytoplasm and comprise the smallest cells of the body with mean diameters of only 5 µm and b. larger horizontal or Golgi cells. Cerebellar glomerules are granule and Golgi cells which are arranged around a central field of synapses. The glial cells of the cerebellum are mainly oligodendrocytes, few astrocytes and fewer microglial cells.

--> nerve tissue, nerves, ganglia, cerebral cortex
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop

Three images were kindly provided by Dr. med. E. Schiller; other images, page & copyright H. Jastrow.