A visible human online reference for medical education & reseach
the detailed, free of charge www-atlas of human cross sections
of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet

Dr. H. Jastrow

Department of Anatomy, Histology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
(this presentation was shown at the 3rd Visible Human Conference)
(For viewing larger images, click on the minaturized ones, please!)

This is page 4 of the "page by page version"
click here for abstract or here for larger "all in one page" version!

Fig.13 (link to atlas homepage)
Fig.13 shows the English homepage of the Workshop. Apart from the extensive electron microscopic atlas and the other teaching modules it leads to the atlas of visible human sections in the internet which is presented here. When choosing “List of sections”, the index page of this atlas (Fig.14) is loaded.

This index page provides miniaturised transverse overview sections for each region of the body, linked to pages with browsed overviews of the chosen sections. Further one section is labelled with terms of orientation providing a link to an appropriate page of a vocabulary. Additional icons provide links to this vocabulary of gross anatomy, motion pictures, language selection and conditions of use. If you click on the head 1 icon you will reach the first region overview of the head.

Fig.14 (link to atlas index page)
Fig.15 (link to atlas page)
The first region overview of the head providing small icons of all sections chosen here (Fig.15). When you click an icon the page with the full sized section and its corresponding radiological images, in the head region MR and bone CT come up. A tick on the section number below opens the page with this section labelled. Further down you see the beginning of the list of the most important structures of the sections.

The linked vocabulary of gross anatomy (Fig. 16) provides over 850 Latin anatomical terms and their corresponding expressions in English and German. The terms are arranged according to subject as well as alphabetically. Thus unclear labelling can be looked up easily.

Fig.16 (link to atlas page)
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