A visible human online reference for medical education & reseach
the detailed, free of charge www-atlas of human cross sections
of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet

Dr. H. Jastrow

Department of Anatomy, Histology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
(this presentation was shown at the 3rd Visible Human Conference)
(For viewing larger images, click on the minaturized ones, please!)

This is page 3 of the "page by page version"
click here for abstract or here for larger "all in one page" version!

Fig.9 (link to atlas page)
CT-Scans are shown below the original sections for optimal space management in web pages with sections of the lower limb (Fig.9).

The motion pictures of the web atlas were created from stacks of trimmed, aligned, cleaned and equally sized images of all the anatomical or radiological sections mainly of the VH-male provided by the NLM (Fig.10). They were produced using Ulead Media Studio™ or MainActor™ software in either AVI™ or Quicktime™ format, both in Cinepack Radius™ compression. Only some of the motion pictures of the original sections are reduced in size due to the enormous amount of data involved. One motion picture even runs through the scaled down total of the complete sections of the VH-male.

Fig.10 (link to atlas motion picture [17 MB!])
Fig.11 (link to atlas page)
In Fig.11 you see three of five pages providing a total of over 120 motion pictures ready for download that were mainly produced from the VH-male data set.

The atlas of visible human sections is one of some anatomy web-teaching modules of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. These modules are linked to each other as shown in Fig.12.

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