Vokabular der makroskopischen Anatomie
Vocabulary of Gross Anatomy
Editor & Copyright Dr. med. H. Jastrow
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of use
Hypophysis cerebri = Hypophyse (Hirnanhangsdrüse) - pituitary gland
Deutsch English
Adenohypophyse: Adenohypophysis:
Teile der Adenohypophyse:
- Pars infundibularis oder tuberalis 
- Pars distalis oder glandularis (Vorderlappen) 
- Pars intermedia (Zwischenlappen)
Parts of the adenohypophysis:
- Pars tuberalis or infundibularis 
- Pars distalis or glandularis (anterior lobe) 
- Pars intermedia (intermediate lobe)
Hormone der Adenohypophyse:
ACTH = Adrenocorticotropes Hormon (Nebennierenrinde), 
FSH = Follikel stimulierendes Hormon, 
GH = Wachstumshormon (Growth hormone) 
ICSH = interstitielle Zellen stimulierendes Hormon, 
LH = Luteinisierendes Hormon, 
MSH = Melanocyten stimulierendes Hormon, 
PRL = Prolaktin (stimuliert Wachstum der Brustdrüse [Mamma]), 
STH = somatotropes Hormon (Wachstum), 
TSH = Thyroidea = Schilddrüse stimulierendes Hormon
Hormones of the adenohypophysis:
ACTH = Adrenocorticotrop hormone (adrenal cortex), 
FSH = Follicle stimulating hormone, 
GH = Growth hormone 
ICSH = interstitial cell stimulating hormone, 
LH = Luteinising hormone, 
MSH = Melanocyte stimulating hormone, 
PRL = Prolactin (proliferation of the mamma stimulating), 
STH = somatotrope hormone (proliferation in general),
TSH = Thyroidea stimulating hormone
Zellen der Adenohypophyse
Pars infundibularis / tuberalis:
Cells of the adenohypophysis
Pars infundibularis / tuberalis:
indifferente Stammzellen indifferent stem-cells
Acidophile Zellen
1.) somatotrope, 
Endocrinocytus somatotrophicus (alpha-Zelle) --> STH
Acidophilic cells
1.) somatotrophs, 
Endocrinocytus somatotrophicus (alpha-cell) --> STH
Basophile Zellen
1.) adrenocorticotrope, 
Endocrinocytus corticotrophicus (beta-Zelle) -->ACTH
Basophilic cells
1.) corticotrophs, 
Endocrinocytus corticotrophicus (beta-cell) -->ACTH
Zellen der Adenohypophyse
Pars distalis / glandularis:
Cells of the adenohypophysis
Pars distalis / glandularis:
indifferente Stammzellen indifferent stem-cells
Chromophobe Zellen (gamma - Zellen) 
- bilden die Vorstufe der acido- und basophilen Zellen
Chromophobic cells (gamma - cells) 
- pre-stage of the acido- and basophil cells
Acidophile Zellen
1.) somatotrope, 
Endocrinocytus somatotrophicus (alpha-Zelle) --> STH
2.) somatomammotrope, 
Endocrinocytus mammosomatotropicus (als eta- oder epsilon Zelle) --> GH, PRL
Acidophilic cells
1.) somatotrophs, 
Endocrinocytus somatotrophicus (alpha-cell) --> STH
2.) mammosomatotrophs, Endocrinocytus mammosomatotropicus 
(as eta- or epsilon cell) --> GH, PRL
Basophile Zellen
1.) adrenocorticotrope, 
Endocrinocytus corticotrophicus (beta-Zelle) -->ACTH
2.) gonadotrope, 
Endocrinocytus gonadotrophicus (delta-Zelle) --> FSH, ICSH, LH
3.) thyreotrope, 
Endocrinocytus thyrotrophicus (delta-Zelle) --> TSH
Basophilic cells
1.) corticotrophs, 
Endocrinocytus corticotrophicus (beta-cell) -->ACTH
2.) gonadotrophs, 
Endocrinocytus gonadotrophicus (delta-cell) --> FSH, ICSH, LH
3.) thyreotrophs 
Endocrinocytus thyrotrophicus (delta-cell) --> TSH
Zellen des Zwischenlappens (Adenohypophyse): cells of the intermediate lobe (Adenohypophysis):
Basophile Zellen: 
1.) Endocrinocytus melanotrophicus (beta-Zelle) --> MSH
Basophilic cells: 
1.) Endocrinocytus melanotrophicus (beta-cell) --> MSH
Neurohypophyse: Neurohypophysis:
Teile der Neurohypophyse:
- Infundibulum 
- Zwischenstück 
- Pars nervosa (Hinterlappen)
Parts of the neurohypophysis:
- Infundibulum 
- intermediate part 
- Pars nervosa, posterior part (neural lobe)
Hormone der Neurohypophyse:
OT = Oxytocin (Kontraktion der galtten Muskulatur in Gebärmutter und Brustdrüse) 
ADH = Antidiuretisches Hormon (= Vasopressin, Wasserresorption in der Niere) 
Diese Hormone werden beide in Neuronen des Hypothalamus gebildet und in der
Neurohypophyse nur freigesetzt!
Hormones of the neurohypophysis:
OT = Oxytocin (Contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus and breast) 
ADH = Antidiuretic hormone (= vasopressin, 
controls reabsorbtion of water in renal tubules) 
Both hormones are synthetized in neurones of the hypothalamus and only 
released in the neurohypophysis!
Histologie des Hinterlappens (Neurohypophyse): Histology of the posterior lobe (Neurohypophysis)
Pituizyten (= Gliazellen) 
Axone der Tractus hypothalamo-hypophysei stammen aus folgenden Kernen 
des Hypothalamus: 
Nucleus paraventricularis (Tractus paraventriculo-hypophysealis), 
Nucleus supraopticus (Tractus supraoptico-hypophysealis, hier enthaltene 
Herring Körper = neurosekrethaltige Anschwellungen der Axone mit vielen Lysosomen) 
aus allen diesen Axonen werden freigesetzt: 
das Trägerprotein Neurophysin sowie OT oder ADH
marklose Nervenfasern 
Pituicytes (= Glia cells) 
Axons of the  hypothalamo-hypophysei tractus derive of the following nuclei 
of the hypothalamus: 
Nucleus paraventricularis (Tractus paraventriculo-hypophysealis), 
Nucleus supraopticus (Tractus supraoptico-hypophysealis, contained 
Herring bodies = neurosecret-containing swellings of the axons with many lysosomes) 
all these axons free: 
the carrier protein neurophysin as well as OT or ADH
markless nerve fibres 
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