A visible human online reference for medical education & reseach
the detailed, free of charge www-atlas of human cross sections
of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet

Dr. H. Jastrow

Department of Anatomy, Histology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
(this presentation was shown at the 3rd Visible Human Conference)
(For viewing larger images, click on the minaturized ones, please!)

This is page 7 of the "page by page version"
click here for abstract or here for larger "all in one page" version!

The present atlas is constantly extended by including further original and labelled sections aiming at a maximal intersection distance of 5 millimetres in all regions (Fig.25). Due to considerable download time, especially for the motion pictures, it is planned to offer them on a student affordable CD-ROM with as many sections as possible. Apart from the extension of the vocabulary it is planned to offer computed coronal and sagittal sections, 3D reconstructions and self assessment tools. With these goals it is intended to contribute to world-wide improvement of 3D-understanding of anatomy in pre-clinical and clinical medicine.

With the summary of Fig.26 I want to invite you to explore the internet pages of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet. Further, I acknowledge those who supported this project.

Ackerman-MJ (1998): The visible human project. Proceedings of the IEEE 86 (3): 504-511.

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